How to cure Toxic Workplace Syndrome

You know you’re infected when... 

It’s that drag-yourself-out-of-bed routine. A commute that feels like you’re inching towards Mordor. Or endless Zoom calls noon till night. There’s not enough coffee in the world to get you through this day. And one day, you swear you might set fire to Kevin from Accounts’ “Live, Laugh, Love” poster.

I loathe Toxic Workplace Syndrome.

I know EXACTLY what it feels like, and what it looks like in others.

It’s insidious, destructive and worst of all, contagious.

And it doesn’t just hit those working on the frontline. Team leaders, managers, CEOs and entrepreneurs get it too. 

In my own case, workplace stress and dysfunction led to chronic overworking, withdrawing from friends and family, a couple of health crises and some deep, dark, life questions.

I resolved to confront my poor attitude head on, and here’s what didn’t work for me:

  • Kevin’s motivational posters

  • Self-help books

  • Promotions

  • Retraining

  • Swim-up bars in tropical locations (those distracted me, but didn’t fix anything)

For me, it took a process of noticing, assessing, realization, intention-setting, brave questions and some trial-and-error over a period of time before I understood what I needed to change, a way that I could change it, and a way to make that change stick.

Life’s too short to waste so much time in a work place that sucks the life from you.

“Tamsyn is a unique type of human. Her level of care for others is exceptional and her want to facilitate change is some of the most passionate and honest I have ever come across. I could write paragraphs of detail to promote Tamsyn's skills, but I would simply suggest you get in touch and speak with her - you will instantly know if she is the the right People person for the solutions you seek!”

— Hayley Kyle, Customer Success Director at MAPAL Group UK

My business background and experience makes our creative approach incredibly potent. 

While the title ‘corporate consultant’ just doesn’t appeal to me, my experience: as a senior leader in the corporate world of hospitality working in People Development, Engagement and Communication operating at board level, at some of the UK’s largest pub and restaurant companies where my learning and development programs have been national award winners – this experience informs everything I do. Frame high-level commercial know how with deep understanding of learning, engagement and change, alongside a healthy dose of humour, creativity, playfulness and loads of compassion… it is a powerful mix. One that I’ve been able to apply successfully over and over again.

“So what do you do exactly…”

I work with individuals, teams and whole rooms of people to unleash their ability and ambition. My goal is to help you spark it up! People, potential, passion and purpose.

The truth is, everybody has purpose and powers that get plugged up by fear, stories, overwhelm, team toxicity and all those other blockages in life. We work together to identify what’s bottled up, and find a way to shake things up.

Things I can help you with:

  • Attracting, retaining and developing talent for your organisation

  • Learning and Development for Managers and Leaders

  • Managing change and organizational development challenges

  • Design and Facilitation of large-scale engagement events

  • Helping you and your team define your Vision, Mission, Values and game plan for success

  • Communcation, Engagement and Culture change

  •  VIP Coaching and thought partnership support for CEOs, Founders and Change Makers

I bring a fresh, collaborative, bespoke approach to spotlighting and releasing  potential. And it starts with where you are and what you need to change.

And that starts with a conversation. Give me a call, and let’s discuss what work, career, team or growth or organsiational change challenge you have that needs a juicy spark of different thinking to ignite full throttle potential.