Stop swimming in dirty water

Powerful words from my friend Claire. Encouraging me to say no to the stuff that no longer serves me.

Have you ever gotten so lost inside doing all the things for all the people that you lost sight entirely of yourself?

Of your own dreams

Your own priorities

Your own wants

Your own magical gifts

So busy treading a well worn path of someone else's creation, that you’ve forgotten where your map and compass have gone? I know I had.

What if I took all the minutes in a week and placed them in a jar?

How much of that jar would actually belong to me? Not much I am certain.

But I have been terrified to stop.

Claire and I met on a transformational 3 day writing retreat. In West Wales. At The Do. I nearly didn’t go, it felt like an indulgence of time that I couldn't afford. Because I’ve been so caught up in “Busy-ness”.

But being busy means we are shallow with our thoughts. We power through but are less productive. We make poor decisions. We burnout.

So I summoned the courage to get in the car and keep driving till I reached the edge. Where the interesting stuff tends to happen. And it did.

Turns out I’ve been waiting all my life to validate my writing, to validate me, whilst patiently hiding my voice.

Building my invisibility skills

Toning down my story

Diming my own light

I’ve been waiting patiently all my life for the real me to show up. But she was there all along.

I just needed to turn down the busy to hear her.


Everything’s changed but nothing’s changed


In memory of my mum