Turning up your light so you can burn brightly
I went to Nashville, Tennessee with my husband. A place Lewis has always wanted to come to since he was a little boy.
He’s a huge music fan and a musician himself and I’m loving seeing him find so much joy and excitement in being immersed in this place for the next few days.
True joy in action. It literally lights him up. And he’s not thinking about what others are doing, saying or being like around him.
He’s fully in. Committed to the joy and enjoyment of the moment. Fully lit up.
It’s really got me thinking about how much I allow myself to get lit up by being my authentic self. Really. Truly.
Or if I am still too mindful of the worry about what others may think.
I know I’ve certainly got much better at it. But there is always more to do.
Perhaps this is something that you think about too?
Am I shining too bright?
Am I taking up too much space?
Am I speaking my truth too loudly?
What I know to be true, is that when you allow yourself to shine brightly, and step fully into the magic of who you truly are, your bright light may cast a shadow for others. A good friend of mine learnt this earlier in the week, when she experienced her first online troll.
The trolls and the shadow dwellers. You can’t remove them. But your bright beautiful light can cast them further into the dark.
So thank them for their service, leave them there and keep shining bright.
Don’t allow the opinion of the few to drown out the needs of the many, who absolutely need the work you do and put out into the world. Your gifts are not a mistake, and you are meant to share them with others.
So next time you ask yourself if you’re shining too brightly, just make sure that you've even switched the light on yet.