Don’t be the donkey
“I have already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be.”
It’s amazing what can change in a year.
If you let it.
This time last year my life and work looked very different.
I got turned around, spun upside down and spat myself out.
It took a moment to get back on course. Before surrendering into what I've always known I should be doing.
A year on I’m on a path of my own creation.
I feel energised, calm, and most importantly, on the right path for me.
The clients I work with, the services I offer, the words I write.
All my own choices.
I love my work and because I love it, I choose to show up for it.
I think carefully about what I write and what I want to say about my work and my life. I want to spread a hopeful message, even when things may be challenging.
So when strange things happen and words get misread into a pile of assumptive nonsense, as happened earlier this week following my last newsletter, I know for certain that I’ve changed for the better.
A year ago my buttons would have pressed to near nuclear level and I would have had a meltdown of confidence and courage on hearing how my words had been misread.
It would have hurt.
But that was then, and this is now.
Now, I choose to wish them well and send them love. And then move myself on to something more important.
I’m learning so much on this journey, I’m certainly not the same person as I was a year ago.
I’m learning to eliminate assumptions, drown out the voices of the naysayers and focus on facts. Curate evidence that what I am building on is working and get heartfelt, meaningful feedback from those whom my work positively impacts.
It's gold. And I know that by dealing in specifics and the details of what's working and what needs tweaking, I can keep learning and doing better on my journey.
And as for assumption, yes, it does make you look like a donkey.
Don’t do that. Establish the facts.
Because if you know better, you’ll be better.
And I know that for a fact.