Don’t mention the ‘C’ word

This morning, I caught up with my friend Mychaell.

We are writing buddies.

We each have a book in us.

As do most people. If they only knew it.

We’re trying to figure out how to  encourage each other to get the book out and on the page.

We talked alot about the “ C” bomb.

Creativity. In case you needed clarity. 

Many of us, as adults, decide that being creative isn’t for us.

There are those people who are “ creative” 

And then there are the rest of us.

We all have the capacity to be creative.

Even if we think we are not artists.

We can choose our own version of creativity. 

The one that works best for us.

Creativity comes in many, many forms.

When we are children, creativity is born out of a sense of play and curiosity. 

When we are  children we are naturally creative, unashamed in our curiosity and unapologetic in our approach to problem solving, innovating and having fun. 

Literally unleashed potential.

Because no one told us we couldn’t be creative.

We just are.

Until we perhaps get told we shouldn’t be. 

Or maybe there isn’t any money in it. 

Or that our creations just are not that good.

Almost all creativity requires purposeful play, said Abraham Maslow

The Hierarchy of Needs guy. He knew.

There is huge value and potential in the beautiful process of connecting the right and left brain.

Rather than just living in the world of excel spreadsheets, processes and never ending meetings on teams.

Which is often seen as far more “ adulty”

But more likely feels like you're playing a bit part in The Hunger Games and hoping the odds will one day actually be in your favour.

These “corporate” adulty  things can help put people, including ourselves, into nice self-contained “ safe”  boxes.

I don’t want to be in anyone’s box. And I don’t want to limit my thinking. 

Do you? 

So, my invitation to you this weekend is to give yourself the gift of space, find a spark of creativity, grab a pen, a piece of wood, a knitting needle, a recipe book, your gardening gloves or whatever form of creativity you might be curious about.

And have a play and break out of your own box. Just for a moment. 

And see what comes up for you. 

I’d love to hear what you create.

“Those who do not think outside the box are easily contained” - Nicolas Manetta


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