Firing up your future

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Mine would be….

 “A life well lived, isn’t often the one that’s always perfect”

Alongside of ….

“Eat the cake, life’s too short to settle for crumbs”

I see so many ambitious, capable leaders, push so hard, striving for the seat at the table, only to reach a point where they find themselves questioning what it’s all been about.

A place or space that’s reached, when a sudden change, loss, health challenge or situation allows life to forcibly tap you on the shoulder and declare “let’s stop fucking about, you only have the time that’s before you”

A moment when you arrive at the fork in the road and think, what’s next, which way, who am I now?

Sometimes we want to renew and improve, sometimes we want to pivot and sometimes we might want to walk away.

But the system keeps us stuck and we find we are no longer, or never really were in the driving seat of our work and our careers.

We easily forget we hold the keys, let alone where we might have put them.

The keys of purpose, possibility, power and prosperity.


With love,

Tamsyn x


Me and my monkey


As Gwen said, what are you waiting for?