As Gwen said, what are you waiting for?
We think we have more than we do.
Next week marks 1 year since my Mum passed away.
We had a challenging relationship and I put off having the difficult conversations with her for a long time.
Until there was no more time.
She was gone. And I didn’t get to say goodbye.
I see so many others doing similar things.
Putting off the thing they most want to achieve. Or the conversation they know they need to have.
Putting off making the decision to shift their career in a different direction. The decision that will make them happier, more fulfilled, more alive.
Telling themselves next year they’ll start the business, book the trip, leave the relationship, say the thing, make the change.
Because they think they have time.
We so often put stuff off, often the important stuff or the difficult stuff, until there is no more time.
Because we prioritise others needs over our own.
Because we don’t want to disappoint others when we say no, so end up saying no to ourselves instead.
We care too much about what others might think.
Because we find it hard to put our joy, pleasure and happiness higher up our list of importance. The list that sometimes doesn’t even have us on it.
And when you give yourself time to work out who and what is truly on that list, I hope you boldly feature at the top.
Because time is the one thing, we can’t make more of. We get what we are given, until there is no time left.
We are busier than ever but more disconnected than ever.
No joy in that space. Not a healthy place for us to be.
So, I hope for today, you can carve some time just for you.
To think about time.
How much you still have and how you want to use this one wild and precious life to actually do the things that truly bring you joy.
With love,
Tamsyn x