You can go your own way

When I finally grow up, I want to be Stevie Nicks.


But that job has already been taken so instead, I set up my business.


I’m shortly arriving at 2 years in. Here’s 7 things I’ve learnt so far.


Even if you are not running a business, I think they may be applicable.


✅ You cannot create your future with thinking from the past. If you want a new reality, look forwards not backwards, you’re not going that way. What got you here, will be different to what gets you to where you are going. Close out old chapters fully. Take the lessons and the blessings. Move on.


✅ Your certifications and qualifications only get you so far. People want your experience, unique perspective and the magic and alchemy that only you bring. That doesn’t come from a training alone. Your right people want the positivity and potency of how you help them, support them, encourage them, deliver for them. In your unique way. And you won’t be for everyone and that’s ok. Not everyone is for you either.


✅   You get to choose. How, when, what and with whom you work and invest yourself in. Even if you work in-house. You do ultimately get to choose. Time is finite. Your work is important. Don’t waste time and energy in places that don’t align with your values, energy, beliefs and vision. Look for spaces and places that offer true collaboration, partnership and investment of time to build good work together.


✅ If you think you’re under charging, you almost definitely are. Money is important but be aware of other ways you might be giving too much away. Time, energy, and health are hugely valuable currency because what makes us truly prosperous is much deeper than money alone. Remember your why. Freedom, impact, choice, love, leading from my heart, creativity, sharing stories that can help others and creating positive ripples of change to do things differently all inform my why.


✅ Look for green flags but don’t ignore red ones. Follow your gut, if it feels off, it very likely is. You can’t logic your way out of everything. We are so often disconnected at the neck, stuck in our heads and loose the answers that the body holds.  Your body knows the answer, but we are rarely quiet enough to hear its wisdom.


✅ Relationships are critical. Knowing who is there for the duration, or just there for the ride is not always clear to see but if you follow the point above, it becomes easier to spot. Believe in and invest in the virtuous circle and when people or circumstances show you who they really are, believe them. If the table you are sat at is only serving crumbs, find a new one or better still, build your own.


 Don’t take business advice from people who haven’t attempted to do what you’re doing. No matter how well meaning that advice may be. Find mentors who’ve walked a similar path, understand the highs, the loneliness, the craziness, the pain of a VAT return and everything in between.


What would you add? 


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