The happiness advantage

Happiness is a competitive advantage.


Inside our workplaces, inside our teams, inside ourselves.


Happiness fuels people.

Which helps to fuel your organisation.

Which helps fuel your customer experience.

Which helps fuel your profits.


The virtuous circle.


This is as true for companies of 1 as it is for companies of many.


Happiness comes in many shapes but conditions that support it include trust, listening, care, time to rest and recover, clarity, communication, feedback, development and learning, flexibility, inclusion and contribution to shared goals.


All critical success factors.


Which is a cringe way of saying, how you make the magic happen.


They all add up to empowering people to do their best work.


Empowerment is the ultimate elixir for a vibrant culture.


Yet we spend so little time investing to ensure that these things are living and breathing for everyone. 


Including ourselves. 


The opposite of empowerment is toxicity.


And toxic workplaces, even the ones we contribute to creating as leaders,  remain the number one cause of burnout in the world of work.


Toxicity minus sense of self equals burnout.


So here’s the question.

Are you working to connect the dots?

Or to merely collect more dots?


You can go your own way

