Are you interested or are you committed?
A question I asked myself last week on my birthday, ahead of entering the first full new week of work in 2024.
This last year in business for me has seen lots of experiments and change and learnings.
I’m excited to enter 2024 with clarity and conviction and commitment.
Full commitment to myself, the life and work I am building and full permission to take the hand-break off me in 2024.
My word of the year.
Unleashed commitment to doing the best work of my life.
I delivered my first masterclass on creating work that you love last week too.
It helped me work out what’s in and what’s out for me in 2024.
If you’re into numerology 2024 is a universal year 8, big energy around personal growth, empowerment and personal achievement.
We’re due an energetic break after the last few years, wouldn’t you agree?
So, here’s eight lessons I’ve taken from 2023.
I get to choose how I work. That’s the benefit of working for myself.
I am not swimming in a same of sameness or living the same year on repeat. My work and my life are an intentional design in progress.
Being interested is not the same as being committed. Deciding to be full in or full out makes it highly likely I won’t get splinters from sitting on the fence.
Being available does not make me more valuable. If I don’t value myself, I can’t expect others to.
Follow my nudges and trust my instincts. Everyone has an opinion but no one else can hear my inner voice. Be clear, be kind, place boundaries.
Time is finite. I want to use the time I have to do good work with good people and positively impact others. Keeping focused on clearing up my own personal energy is critical. The mirror is constantly held up for us. Working out of alignment with people or spaces that hold different values is just exhausting. There’s always a different way. My health is my biggest asset. Take care of me first beyond anything else on the list.
My health is my biggest asset. Take care of me first beyond anything else on the list.
Pleasure and joy is a business strategy. Full stop.
How about you?
With love Tamsyn x