Making ripples and riding waves

Six years ago, this week I sold my house, handed the keys over, packed my stuff into storage and came home to West Cornwall.

Turns out I wasn’t coming home at all.

Not to myself anyway. Not how I thought I would.

Turns out I had to go to West Wales for that.

To The Do Lectures last weekend.

Nothing’s changed but everything’s changed.

Six days versus six years.

Heart full, head full, hugely grateful with an idea’s hangover like no other.

A beautiful quote from one of the speakers, Mykel, summed it up for me “marking the end of who we were and the beginning of who we might be”.

As I re-enter into this new week, I’m launching The Work Thrive Collective, a new offering from my business that’s focused entirely on supporting humans do the best work of their lives.

Work should be life enhancing, not life depleting

But the world of work is broken for many.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Change isn’t always easy, but it is possible.

Purpose, Possibility, Prosperity, Power.

These things should be available to us all.

We may just need to find a new lens to see them through.

So, here’s to taking our power back.

To making ripples and riding waves of change.

As Glinda the Good Witch in Oz said, we had the power all along.

With love,

Tamsyn x


In Memory of the Cuddly Twinkler


Is today the perfect day?