Shining Bright, not burning out

Fear of the “shoulds”  is a habit we practice.


It creeps in, silently like that massive spider that appears out of nowhere just as you are about to switch the bedside light out…


F@%£r…. Who let that in? 


We are conditioned into thinking we should be, do and show up in a certain way in the world.


There is a self-created list, of “the things”.


Do the thing, the way you are told to.


And we try really hard to do the things, and we shrink to fit and burn ourselves out.


Because we have been should-ing all over the place. 


Just for this weekend, no more.


Turn up that light.


Shine some joy.




For your kids

Fo your partner

For your dog

For your soul

But mostly do it for you


Seek out a weekend that’s full.


Full of






In the moment-ness


And look for the massive magic in the tiny details.


We allow the environment around us to dictate the quality and authenticity of how we show up.


Don’t do that, just for now.


Do a new thing, throw a new dance move, embrace a different experience. 


Forget about the mortgage, your grinding it out work mandate, the washing, how many times you need to post on Linked In, your boss….


And be an unapologetic joy hunter this weekend.


Monday will thank you for it.


Happiness is the best KPI


In Memory of the Cuddly Twinkler