What makes your tail wag?
I am a dog person.
Well, an animal person really.
But I love dogs especially.
My husband loves them a bit less.
Probably more in the tolerate category. But I know he loves me so, so that means pups are part of the package.
No pun intended.
For me it’s a lifelong love story ever since my dad bought me my first dog when I was a child, Pixie.
We have two dogs currently, Barnaby and Gibson.
Barnaby is a spaniel, a working cocker spaniel.
A high energy, life loving, positivity affirming spaniel.
If you have one, you’ll know.
The thing I love about spaniels is that they have two speeds.
Fully committed.
Or asleep.
No half measures. Ever.
Barnaby is a complete joy hunter. His wholehearted commitment to joy extends to a full body wag, not just his tail.
Completely committed to living in the moment and seeking his joy.
He absolutely knows what makes his tail wag. And he does it as frequently as possible.
So, my question today is how do you become a joy hunter?
And seek out the joy in everyday opportunities to make your tail wag?