Closing the door
Last week I had the opportunity to join a talented group of women for lunch, several of whom have been colleagues, friends, supporters and advocates for all the years I was in Senior Corporate HR.
Brilliant, skilled practitioners who do great work, in often difficult and challenging circumstances.
Women who take care of thousands of people under their leadership and care within their organisations. Literally thousands of people. You need a lot of policies for that. So the CIPD says.
It's hard work. It's relentless.
I’ve been there. I was there.
And then I wasn’t.
It's funny what happens when you allow yourself the space to realise you’ve changed.
Or that you likely didn’t fit there to begin with.
And be more than ok with it.
Some of those women I know well. Some I only met for the first time that day.
The one thing they all had in common was a desire to really learn from each other and work on their own corporate HR strategies for their businesses.
Brilliant stuff. Totally needed.
Except I don’t do that anymore.
And that's ok.
I knew I was almost certainly in the wrong room.
It was the final nudge I needed to allow myself to lovingly close that door. Thank the past for what it's taught me. And move on.
So let me re-introduce myself.
I’m Tamsyn, the founder of Tamsyn & Co, a creative change maker who is on a mission to help you make the world of your work, better.
I work with teams and individuals to help them map the path that sparks up the full potential of themselves, their business and the people around them. I am a facilitator, trainer and above all a communicator.
Passion, purpose, growth, change, potential and renewal are all elements that fuel my work.
Oh, and I don’t do overwhelm anymore. And neither should you.
Are you with me? I thought so. Let’s go!