Who am I and who are you?

Thanks for being part of my world and my community.

I am very grateful.

Recently, we’ve had a flurry of new joiners.

So I thought it may be time to re-introduce myself.

I’m Tamsyn.

I’m the founder of Tamsyn & Co. 

A Culture, Engagement and Communications company working in the People Development space. 

After a few Pivots and Plot Twists in my own career, I founded my company in 2022.

I believe in doing Good Work with Good People.

And I’m on a mission to help as many people as I can to do the best, most enjoyable work of their lives.

Every person has a superpower, and every team of humans have the potential to change the world.

My job is to help you and your people find the spark that ignites everyone’s true potential.  

So who am I?

A board level leader with a passion for finding the potential in everyone.

An organisational development expert.

A certified coach and facilitator

A mentor and business strategist

A writer and podcast host

A trainer and educator

A champion for healthy workplace cultures

A creative, compassionate and curious human

A dog mum, a stepmum, a wife and a lover of cheese. 

Not always in that order.

And I’m someone that can help you, get the best from yourself and others at work, in a compassionate, collaborative and compelling way.

With love,

Tamsyn x


You can’t read the label from inside the jar!


Getting lucky on purpose