Getting lucky on purpose

 Future you versus current you. 


What’s the difference? 


A new future requires a new way of thinking.


Some deep focus.


Some space to make decsions. 


Some faith in taking action.


And some commitment to just get out of your own way.


Creating a better future isn’t about luck.


But you can create your own luck, by getting intentional. 


I realised that this week, as I had a minor melt down in my kitchen early Tuesday morning.


Could have been the horror of running out of coffee beans.


Could have been the aftermath of too much easter-ing/chocolate/people in my house.


Could have been the relentless UK rain. Could it please just f@!!k off already??


When I start to feel out of control, taken advantage of, or start the blame game I know it’s time for a re-set.


A reminder of what I am truly going after. 


A reminder that all the excuses why I haven’t yet got there can only belong to me.


Only I can do that. 


In my world, my work, my life.


Taking radical responsibility for yourself and where you’re heading and where your head is at, is an inside job.


Some questions to re-ground if you’re feeling the same could be;


What’s happening in my environment?


Am I making decisions from a place of power or force?


Where am I losing or giving away time?


What am I advocating for?


Am I stuck because I am truly stuck? 


Or am I just super committed to the version of me I’ve outgrown?


Where we will be in 2 years’ time, will be largely dependent on the decisions we make now.


Stopping arguing for receiving less.


Creating and strengthening boundaries.


Designing your day and week intentionally to create what you crave.


And also remembering to buy more coffee beans.


It’s simple but not always easy.


Deciding you want something better.


And once you intentionally decide, magic can happen.

With love

Tamsyn x


Who am I and who are you?


Marmite or Jam?