Marmite or Jam?

You’re always going to be Marmite for someone.

Because you can't jam for everyone.

And that’s ok.


Know your values and what you stand for.


 And live them fully.


Let your Marmite-ness shine.


My friend Susan calls it “flying your freak flag”. 


So the other freaks can find you.


Being a leader can be lonely.


But it can feel a lot less lonely when we lean into our passion.


What we truly believe in.


What we really stand for.


Our too muchness.


The thing we feel most passionately about.


The thing we can often hide.


If we stand for nothing, we will fall for anything.


I know I have. In the past. 


Don’t hide your passion, your opinion, your value.


Or shrink yourself. 


To make sure you fit.


When my years are done, I want to have wrung every drop of passion and joy from what I have created. 


Our passions are our superpowers. 


Claim them. Look after them. Nurture them.


And don’t let your passions pass you by.

With love

Tamsyn x


Getting lucky on purpose


The season of being