Break free of the echo chamber

Can we just ditch the idea that you have to pretend to be an extravert to get ahead. 

You don’t.

I’m a natural introvert. But I also know how and when I want to extravert.

 I’m not shy, I like working with groups and I have no issues speaking to large audiences. 

In fact, I love that aspect of my work very much. 

But I know what I need to do to recharge my energy tanks after lots of “extroverting”.

Introversion can be a superpower. And so can extraversion.

Introverts are not shy, necessarily and extraverts are not always the jazz-hands brigade. 

Knowing how to recharge my energy after a period of extraverted tasks or circumstances is the key.  

For me, there is power in the pause. 

It’s all about energy 🚀 and knowing we can be whatever label we choose to place upon ourselves, and we are so much more besides. 

I think that the world often misunderstands what extraversion and introversion mean. 

But we like to label things and people, often very subjectively, because that gives us permission to excuse a lack of self awareness or avoid  doing the hard work of self-leadership in service of doing better as leaders of others. 

I often experience this inside businesses, especially when exploring team dynamics or high performance opportunities for groups using tools like MBTI or Insights. 

That often there is a perception that there is a “right fit type” for certain roles.

That you can’t be a CEO unless you are an ENTJ for example.

Or if you are an INFP, you must be some sort of flaky creative sensitive type. 

Not true. 

It's also not a permission slip for where we put our strengths into "overdrive”  and think that’s ok too. 

I believe it’s all about energy, attitude and curiosity. Knowing more about our preferences just gives us better data about how we can harness the right conditions to do our best work. And where our blind spots may be so we can become more  aware and course correct when we need to.

We can do all the things, if we allow ourselves the gift of doing them in the ways that work best for us as individuals. 

Leadership is a choice but it’s also a skill we can learn and hone as we develop our own personal tool kits. 

Allowing others to show up authentically and work to their strengths, will  get you better results,more diversity of thinking,problem solving, innovation and growth.

Rather than being in the echo chamber of how you prefer to work, just because you are the leader.


Looking out for Green Flags


Burn the boats!