Procrasti-faff much?
Sometimes, I just find myself needing to stop.
I always know it’s time.
Because I find myself grinding to halt and no longer being able to make decisions or take aligned actions.
I’m too tired, too overwhelmed, I’ve said yes too much to others and I’ve not said yes enough to myself.
I tell myself I don’t know what it is that I actually want to do, so I find all the reasons to not actually do anything.
It's the ultimate resistance technique.
I’ll catching myself opting for one or more of the following:
Procrasticleaning, the art of having an emergency hoovering situation which must be dealt with NOW.
Procrastibaking where we’ve run out of bread and so I must immediately hand craft enough loaves to feed a nation.
Procrastilearning- where I realise I do not know enough to be able to move forward in my business so I must immediately watch a new training video, seek out a new guru or ask a thousand people for their opinion, even though many of them don’t actually run a business themselves, or work in my space, in order to make my next right move.
Or my all time favourite, good old procrastifaffing, where I find some other time wasting distraction to faff about aimlessly with, thereby avoiding doing the thing.
And the thing is not doing the actual thing, it's stopping to take a bit of time to breathe and not worry too much about the thing.
Time to read a book
Talk a walk
Take a bath
Take a nap
Be kind to me. Just for a moment.
And then I seem to find very easily what it is that I do know that I want to do.
How about you?
With love
Tamsyn x