Taking your power back
I’m working with several people at the moment 1-2-1.
All really bright, capable and intelligent.
All have the same thing in common.
They feel paralysed to take their power back.
Or be able to say no to doing some things that are uncomfortable or unethical.
Be that in work, home or in their business.
I’ve also been confronted with several stories in the last few days about unacceptable behaviour in the workplace.
Nothing new there.
Bullying. Exclusion. Misogyny.
A senior leader in a well known organisation sending a dick pic to a friend of mine on Linked In.
I think I’ve heard it all. And then I hear it all again.
Seriously. Enough.
People who attack your confidence, self-esteem and capability are quite aware of your true potential. Even if you are not aware of it yourself.
If you’re finding yourself really wanting to say no to something or claim back your personal power, consider how you may advise your best friend, sister, child or other significant person if they asked you for guidance?
You likely wouldn’t hesitate to let them know that “no” can be a complete sentence.
And I know you’re probably thinking that it's not always that simple.
What if it could be that simple.
Because it can be and often is.
We just choose to make it complex because simple isn't always easy.
But you can make it simple to decide and claim back your power
With love
Tamsyn x